About Pica & Pixel

Hi there!

I’m Bren McIntosh Duvall, the human behind Pica & Pixel.

Thanks for stopping by. Maybe you have a few unanswered questions? Or just want to know a little more about me?

What’s in a name? The name Pica & Pixel combines my interest in working with both print and digital media. To break it down; ‘pica’ is a typography measurement developed in the 16th century, and ‘pixel’ is a unit of measurement for raster (digital) images.

Who am I? I grew up in an enthusiastically creative, diy home. My mother is an art teacher and painter, and my father a mathematics teacher, scuba instructor, and builder of wood strip canoes.

My journey to graphic design was circuitous. After graduating with a BFA in fiber art, I married, traveled to Oregon where I worked retail for several years, and explored metalsmithing. I began photo editing for an online retail store, and several semesters of graphic design classes later, launched Pica & Pixel llc. Now I get to spend my days working from home, making beautiful, functional graphics. Life is good.

I spend my free time practicing yoga (though I am still terrified of headstands), growing herbs and heirloom vegetables, watching BBC period dramas, knitting, and keeping up with my husband’s cycling adventures and our son’s wonderful imagination (currently there are dinosaurs in the dining room - beware!).

I would love to hear from you! Please contact me if you have any questions about current or past clients. I’m happy to provide additional work examples and references.
